LPe1150-F4 Emulex 4Gb, PCI Express Fibre Channel Adapter with embedded fibre interface. LC connector. X4 PCI Express connector, not compatible with PCI or PCI-X slots. Mid range HBA with limited driver support

LPe1150-F4 Emulex 4Gb, PCI Express Fibre Channel Adapter with embedded fibre interface. LC connector. X4 PCI Express connector, not compatible with PCI or PCI-X slots. Mid range HBA with limited driver support

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2 832 ₽ $31

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Контроллеры, адаптеры Emulex в интернет-магазине GSR: приобретайте LPe1150-F4 Emulex 4Gb, PCI Express Fibre Channel Adapter with embedded fibre interface. LC connector. X4 PCI Express connector, not compatible with PCI or PCI-X slots. Mid range HBA with limited driver support с гарантией. ✅ Доставка по Москве и России. ☎ +7(495)066-42-69.